Monday, February 29, 2016

Intelligence Vs. Icon

After being criticized as a dumb blonde throughout her brief life, the truth about Marilyn Monroe and her intelligence was finally discovered. Although she did not attend a high profile university to receive a high level education, she had a desire and thirst for knowledge. She was dedicated to improving herself and learning new things to better herself. To do this she read books to teach herself things across many different fields. All the while she was acting in roles that portrayed her as a dumb blonde. Instead of reaching out and making the public aware of her intelligence, Marilyn decided to keep it to herself and let her public image remain as the dumb blonde that everyone loved. I think she kept her intelligence to herself because she was wise enough to understand that it didn't matter to her what everyone else perceived her to be, especially if it wasn't true. Also, it didn't matter how the public perceived her especially if it made her successful. I'm sure that her loved ones were well aware of how intelligent and bright she was, and that was probably the most important to her. I think that she was smart enough to know what would make her successful in her field, and chose the path to success. In the end, people found out the truth that she was in fact intelligent and bright, so Marilyn Monroe has successfully left her influential mark on our society. She was a huge influence and influential character in our society as a successful and beautiful actor, while also being the best person she could be. In her mind, she had everything she wanted, and at that point it doesn't matter how the public (who she would rarely communicate with) perceived her to be.

After some research, I have discovered that Natalie Portman is secretly a very intelligent and smart actor. Natalie graduated with a degree from Harvard, one of the most prestigious universities in the country. She has stared in hit films like "Star Wars" and "Black Swan", and is seen in our society as a beautiful person. Many men find her to be very attractive, and they sometimes stereotype attractiveness with a lack of intelligence. That being said, some men may think that Natalie Portman is not the intelligent woman she is. While they wouldn't think that she is dumb, they might misjudge her for who she really is. Natalie probably isn't public with her intelligence because she finds it is not important to her field of work. Natalie plays diverse roles in several different films, which portrays several different personalities. Some would think that actors like Portman would like the public to know her true identity, however it may be uncomfortable for her. Maybe she likes being ambiguous with her personality because she doesn't want too many people to know her on that deep of a level. Perhaps the roles she plays covers up her identity as an intelligent woman that people wouldn't like as much as the pretty dancer in "Black Swan". Overall, Natalie Portman is hiding her intelligence for a personal reason, whether it is because she fears the public won't like her true personality or because she doesn't care what the public thinks and doesn't want to give them access to her personal life.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you said abut Marilyn Monroe. I too believe that she never exposed her intelligence because she and her loved ones all knew she was a very bright girl, and that's all that mattered to her. She did not care if the public knew or not. Also, I don't understand why Natalie Portman would hide her intelligence from the public. I think that being smart is a great thing, and can't see why she would be scared of people knowing she is really smart. I think that she has similar beliefs to Marilyn Monroe, and she doesn't really care if the public knows or not, because she and her loved ones know how smart she is, and that is what is important to her.
