Thursday, February 11, 2016

Modern Love

We live in a society that revolves around social media sites like twitter and Facebook and Instagram. As these websites grow more and more popular, more and more people are interacting and meeting online. Dating used to be an interaction that occurred by meeting someone new, face to face, and getting to know them over time through conversation and shared experiences. However, dating has changed dramatically over the past 10 years. With the uproar in social media, most people are meeting online through social media profiles and instant messaging. They get to know each other through instant messaging, and get a picture of them through their profile pictures. In todays dating world, face to face interaction is becoming a later step in a relationship. The first step in the dating process today is meeting someone online on a dating website or social media website, then messaging them to get to know them. Years ago, dating used to be a face to face interaction that happened when you met someone at a physical place.

Along with impacting the initiation of a relationship, social media has impacted relationships that are going on. Social media has become almost another imaginary version of the person we are. Relationship partners keep up with each others status updates, picture posts, and likes and comments on other peoples posts. To some it's almost as important as the physical things their partner says. Social media history has a large impact on people's opinions and judgements about you, and the posts people make while in a relationship are crucial to their partners opinion about them. The lives of people in our society today are moving online, and losing the essence of real life experiences with the ones we love.

To me, love is all about the physical experiences you share with someone you care a lot about. While everyone values different things in a relationship, I value the time I can spend together with my girlfriend and the different things we can experience together in our lives. My relationship is different than one in modern society because we don't use social media websites to communicate, instead we rely on phone calls and texts and video chats. In our society today, people often publicize their relationship on social media. I don't think that is important for dating, instead I think spending as much time as you can with the person you are about is the most important thing. The more time you can spend with your significant other allows for both of you to share more happy memories with each other, where social media doesn't allow for memories to be created.

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