Friday, March 25, 2016

Fighting Fire with Fabulous Article Summary

Dave and Scott Dambacher, from Port Huron, are writing a comedy show against the Westboro Baptist church. The church is well known for their vile hate mongering. However, these two men are fighting against it with a show said to be a "celebration of diversity." They call their show the "Freaka of Topeka," because the Westboro Baptist church is based out of Topeka, Kansas. Their plan is to short run a show on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday right in the hometown of the church. Although the show will premier in Kansas, the content of the show will be from Dave and Scott's hometown of Detroit. The cast is mostly from Detroit as well, and the cast includes Scott. The Westboro Baptist church, who held their first public service in 1955, have constantly been making headlines protesting everything from gays to a five-year old's lemonade stand. At the time the article was written, the two brothers were in the midst of writing the show together. In the article, Scott said that the first act will mainly be introductions to who the characters are, including the story's protagonist. The second act will follow that story and have the protagonist get involved with a "Freaka" group of people. Scott said the characters will be people who were targeted by a group like Westboro, and then outed by that group. The setting of the show is said to take place at a festival or local gathering, with a diverse group of people. The show is also free to anyone who wishes to watch it, Scott and Dave are encouraging as many people as possible to come. The "Freaka of Topeka" has the tagline "Fight Fire with Fabulous," because of the way they are fighting the hatred and negative energy the Westboro group gives off with their fabulous show. While the show is free, it will cost around $50,000 total to produce. To cover the costs, the brothers plan to fundraise money through kickstart, an app aimed at raising money for good causes. However, if the fundraiser doesn't make enough money, then the brothers say they will fund the show themselves. Once the brothers have more material written, they plan on posting bits and pieces of the show on their website and on twitter to offer a sneak peek. They encourage people to comment on the topics they post, and to also give suggestions on different things to add to their show. Their goal is to have everyone involved in the making of the show, because this is a show for the people affected by any group similar to the Westboro group.

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