Wednesday, March 16, 2016

"Her Story"

While watching “Her Story”, a few social issues that trans gender people face stood out to me. One of the main characters, Violet, is constantly under stress because of what other people think about her. Many people have negative opinions of trans gender people, which affects the way they view them. Most people view a trans differently when they discover that this person is a trans gender. The issue in “Her Story” that stood out to me the most was that trans people are afraid of being publicly discovered. Unfortunately, if a trans is discovered it will change their public image, it could cause them to lose their job, and it could affect the relationships they are in.

In Violet’s first interview with Ally, Violet revealed to Ally that she was terrified of being discovered because she could lose work. Violet’s life and financial well-being was in jeopardy simply due to the fact that she was trans. I don’t think it is right for people to hire or fire employees based on gender or sex. Job hiring should be based simply on skills and performance of the task at hand. It shouldn’t matter whether the person is a male, female, or if the person was originally a male but is now a female. A trans is a person who is capable of completing a task in return for a wage, there is no way to argue around it and it is inexcusable for a trans person to be afraid of losing their job because of their gender.

“Her Story” also shows how relationships could possibly be affected by the fact that someone is trans. When Paige was publicly announced as a trans, she received a text from her potential boyfriend that said “we need to talk.” After reading that text, Paige was scared that she was going to lose the intimate relationship she had with this man simply because she was trans. A relationship shouldn’t be about what gender two partners are. The important part of a relationship should be that the two partners like each other for who they are. No matter what their genders are, people are allowed to like whoever they want to like. Other people in society should not have an impact on how two people like each other and how they express their feelings for one another. It is unfair that trans people have to worry about being discovered because they will be viewed entirely different as a person. As a society, we shouldn’t judge people based on their gender or sexual preference. Instead, we should accept people for who they are and allow them to be happy and enjoy their lives with whoever they would like to be with. Trans people should not have to worry about being discovered as a trans in fear of losing important aspects of their life like their job or relationship.

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